How You Can Help

We’ve been going with a group of folks to visit the homeless camps in Indianapolis, providing them a hot meal, and bringing them the consumables they need for outdoor survival: clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, etc. We operate much like a traveling general store, where homeless folks can come “shop” for what they need at no cost to them. If you’re in the Indianapolis area and would like to help us provide them the following consumable items or any other items that would be useful, please contact us.

For those who are far away or just don’t have time to procure items to donate, you can now help us by contributing to a fund to defray our costs for this project (i.e., gasoline to drive to collect the items and visit the homeless, money to purchase items that have not been donated, etc.) through our Paypal Donation Page.

Batteries — AAA, AA, C, D



Bus Passes

Liquid soap — Used as multi-purpose soap for body and hands as well as washing clothes.

Candles and matches — the fat candles in jars are best.

Flashlights — Both large lantern style and small pocket flashlights.

Toilet paper, washcloths, towels, wet wipes.

Deodorant, lotion, Chapstick, shampoo, shaving cream, razors, and other hygiene items.

First Aid Kit

Non-perishable food items

We also have a need for XXL men’s clothing, and small men’s jeans (30″ to 32″ waist). But I will take any size, since homeless people, like you and me, come in all sizes. 🙂

For the Winter months, in addition to this list, we also need blankets, sleeping bags, coats, sweaters, thermal underwear, thick socks, scarves, gloves, hats, and other items for the folks to keep warm.

Just imagine yourself living outdoors, not by choice as in recreational camping, but with no choice, in all sorts of weather. Any items you give to make their daily lives easier would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, join us in advocating for the homeless and needy to government officials at all levels. If you have a club, life group, team, or any other organization and would like for us to give a presentation we are always available!

Finally, but most importantly, please pray for our outreach and those we are serving. We know we are starting out small but the opportunities to impact lives for the better are endless. “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:7

Thank you for coming alongside us on this journey!